Cloud9World supports students in the areas of participation and behavior through education in humanitarian values.

Cloud9World expands existing school behavioral structures with a comprehensive curriculum of values and character trait education through 30 topics of a humanitarian nature, presented in books with short stories that students can read in class and at home, as well as with siblings and parents.

The curriculum that supports the stories includes a selection of materials with critical reflection activities that focus on scholastic skills, with an emphasis on reading, writing, and research, as well as a selection of cross-sectional activities. Many activities promote research beyond the text and clarify the understanding of reading patterns.

Cloud9World is based on the highest educational standards for reading, writing, speaking and listening.

Cloud9World offers a variety of flexible tools for quantitative and qualitative assessment. Educators can use them to easily measure, identify, and assess students’ progress and needs in terms of values and their use in the classroom, as well as writing, reading comprehension patterns, as well as reading and research skills.

Through family connections, Cloud9World promotes strong and lasting home-school communication based on each story and the value that the story represents.

The pleasant and simple presentation offers a range of attractive activities for home and is also intended for feedback to the school.

As students engage with Cloud9World, motivation grows thanks to the achievements of capturing values and then strengthening their character traits.

Cloud9World goes beyond the norm by reinforcing specific behavioral activities targeted at students who need an additional incentive to apply newly learned values. Cloud9World can be used as a flexible study guide with a variety of options that can be selected according to students’ interests and skill levels. All activities are aligned with early childhood standards to ensure quality and correlation in the classroom.

Cloud9World provides educators with ideas for integrating the teaching of values into the daily lesson plan. Activities and ideas are proposed for reading, language art, mathematics, science, social studies, history and art.

Cloud9World provides educators and counselors with a range of open questions to help students share and listen, to make meaningful connections with values, and to improve the thinking, expression, and enhancement of listening skills by facilitating guided discussions.

Cloud9World offers educators and consultants a range of specific reading activities that are aligned with learning standards to create meaningful connections with values, and thus improve thinking, reading, writing and research skills through various activities.

Cloud9World provides educators and counselors with a selection of engaging activities for elementary school students designed for learning and information communication. These activities can be easily modified or adjusted for children of different ages, maturity and academic levels.  

Cloud9World provides teachers and advisory councils with a variety of learning activities that motivate the discussion so that students can interact with their parents and siblings at home, strengthen value formation, promote positive family interactions, and keep parents connected to classroom teaching.